Blue Hawaii
The spacious production on Blue Hawaii’s cold and introspective Untogether reflects the self-awareness and delicacy of a pair composing in separation, and their mediation in communication: how technology and art influence modern human relationships. In the two years since their debut Blooming Summer, they have seen their Montreal scene change with some launched into international success and others turned deeper inward. The album finds the conflict of separation/belonging to one’s self and community. Throughout the changing social and personal landscape of one’s twenties, these divided notions and people somehow stay together. The name Blue Hawaii suggests a melancholic, jaded paradise, but a paradise after-all. It is because – or perhaps in spite of – these disjointed intersections that the record is called Untogether.
The 10 Year Anniversary Deluxe LP features ‘Strawberries and White Light’, a previously unreleased track from the Untogether sessions. Packaging for the anniversary LP includes ‘tru blu’ colour vinyl, lyrics innersleeve, and a maze poster.
1. | Follow | 5:26 |
2. | Try To Be | 3:52 |
3. | In Two | 3:25 |
4. | In Two II | 2:44 |
5. | Sweet Tooth | 3:32 |
6. | Sierra Lift | 3:40 |
7. | Yours To Keep | 4:44 |
8. | Daisy | 4:38 |
9. | Flammarion | 3:42 |
10. | Reaction II | 3:34 |